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All You Need To Know About Alcohol Rehab

12 Apr


The frequent use of alcohol rehab usually causes tolerance and dependence both physically and mentally. The dependence on alcohol is generally long and insidious depending on your will and strength.

When you notice a physical dependence, and suddenly you stop drinking alcohol you will have some withdrawal symptoms such as trembling hands, tongue and eyelids, tachycardia, sweating, anxiety, headache, insomnia and many others. The withdrawal syndrome can develop into Delirium Tremens which is characterized from tachycardia, sweating, visual or auditory hallucinations. It has been also noticed that there are also often delusions and psychomotor agitation and it usually occurs to people who are suffering from a concurrent physical illness and it may has as a result death. The external use of alcohol can also lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and heart diseases and the weakening of the cognitive functions is not rare. Most of the deaths from chronic alcohol use are caused from the liver damage because it is the exact place that the largest amount of alcohol is metabolized and it is called cirrhosis. The treatment must start from the patient himself because the acceptance of the problem is the most important step. It is a painstaking and long effort, with many moments of weakness. The detoxification treatment of alcoholics is cured with psychotherapy and with drugs in psychiatric clinics and unfortunately has enormous difficulties.

All in all, alcoholics usually deny they have a problem of addiction to alcohol and they do not seek help from experts in order to rehab because they believe that everyone feels sorry of them. Fortunately, there are certain governmental and public institutions where people who suffer from alcoholism or the family of the alcoholic can talk about their problems and they can get help from experts. But these people need help from qualified medical personnel.